To advance UPD to the forefront of artistic and cultural engagement in the Philippines, OICA has created four key programs to systematize and enrich the University’s artistic and cultural endeavors. These programs are: Artist Support, Audience Development, Venue Development and Cultural Exchange. Under these programs, various artists and artistic groups, as well as artistic and cultural initiatives from units and organizations at UPD are given financial and technical assistance. OICA likewise supports mutually enriching partnerships with the UP autonomous units and other cultural institutions through collaborative projects such as conferences, workshops, performances, and other forms of dissemination. OICA has also proactively developed and implemented its own projects to further enhance the initiatives from various sectors of the University.

Artist Support Program
This program nourishes the creative energies of UP Diliman artists, critics, and cultural workers.

Audience Development Program
This program promotes the cultivation of critical education and appreciation of culture and the arts among members of the public on campus and beyond UPD. It complements the existing curricula of various UPD colleges as well as the cultural programs of government and non-government organizations.

Venue Development Program
OICA’s support for the various student- and faculty-led activities in the arenas of theater, music, cinema, visual arts and others does not only serve to enrich the artistic and cultural experiences of the UP Diliman audience but also helps to promote the UPD campus as a veritable cultural venue where artists’ works are staged and fostered.

Cultural Exchange Program
This program promotes the participation of UPD in cultural and artistic endeavors at the national, regional, and global arenas. It supports mutually enriching partnerships with the UP autonomous units and other cultural institutions through collaborative projects such as conferences, workshops, performances, and other forms of dissemination.

Other Services/Projects
Other services/projects handled and offered by UPD-OICA include Institutional Events, Learning Resources/Special Publications, Equipment and Technical Assistance, and the University Collection Database.