UP Diliman Arts and Culture Festival

The UP Diliman Arts and Culture Festival is an annual celebration of the Campus, spearheaded by the UPD Office of the Chancellor through the UPD Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (UPD-OICA) in commemoration of the National Arts Month and the historic exodus of the University campus from its site in Manila to Diliman.
The tradition is more than a decade old, and has become the ultimate venue to showcase not only the creativity and academic excellence of our constituents, but also to share with the nation UP Diliman’s wealth of talents, inspiration, resources and its leadership in culture and the arts.
20 in 20: the UP Diliman Month Through The Years
The celebrations began in February 1995 as UP Diliman Week (UPDW). In 1999, the festivity was expanded to a month showcasing UPD’s outstanding achievements in the various disciplines.
Twenty years down the road, UPDate takes a look back at its beginnings, its evolution and influences, choosing 20 highlights of the 2-decade tradition.