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OICA Grants Program

It is a financial assistance program given to UP Diliman units and organizations for projects and programs relating to the broad field of culture and arts. These include but are not limited to cultural and artistic productions, exhibitions, educational workshops, and other artist-support programs. Grants take the form of partial subsidy and shall not exceed the total project cost.

1. Eligible applicants:

    a. Officially recognized student organizations in UP Diliman
    b. Performing groups in UP Diliman
    c. Academic units of UP Diliman
    d. Administrative, academic and non-teaching associations in UP Diliman
    e. Service units and offices in UP Diliman

    Note: Individuals or unrecognized groups are NOT eligible to apply.

2. Only student organizations/units with NO pending obligations (unsettled grants, unsubmitted accomplishment reports) may apply for a grant;

3. Only ONE GRANT per student organization/unit is allowed PER SEMESTER;

4. The PROPONENT of the project should have a legal personality and should be affiliated with the student organization as its faculty adviser or with the unit as its unit head/dean/director ;

5. The proposal should be for an activity or project that can be under any of the following UPD-OICA Programs: Artist Support Program, Audience Development Program, Venue Development Program, and Cultural Exchange Program.

6.    Proposals for fund-raising projects, organization membership inductions/parties and academic requirements are not allowed;

7.    Projects should be in line with the UPD-OICA Research and Extension Agenda: 2024-2026;

8.    The proposed project/activity should not be a duplication of any existing completed project; if at all related, it must complement the existing or completed project;

9.   Grants shall take the form of partial subsidy and shall not exceed the total project cost. UPD-OICA is not expected to bear the full cost of the activity/project. (Note: It is expected that the proposed project can be co-financed by the organizers through their own funds or from other sources, UPD-OICA shall not be expected to bear the full cost of the activity/project);

10.    The proponent of the project should NOT request support from other funding institutions FOR THE SAME ITEMS requested for funding from UPD-OICA;

11.     As much as possible projects (e.g. performances, exhibits, film showing and the like) shall be offered free to UPD students.


  1. Project Proposal Form (Digital signatures shall be accepted)

  2. A brief profile of the organization/unit;

  3. (for student organizations) Copy of organization's valid certificate of recognition/registration issued by:
    - Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA) for university-based organizations
    - Office of the Dean for college-based organizations

  1. Submit the requirements through the OICA Grants Submission Portal. Proponents and project coordinators will receive a notification within two (2) working days if their application was received in good order.
  1. Project proponents will be informed by e-mail of the result of their application within sixty (60) days after the submission deadline of the current cycle.

Effective January 2025

Event Dates Application Period
January to April August 1 to November 1
May to August December 1 to March 1
September to December April 1 to July 1

Note: If the last day of submission falls on a non-working day, the deadline is moved to the next working day.

For further inquiries, please contact the grant coordinator, Ms. Malou Arandia at 8981-8500 or local VoIP 2658 or send an email to